  1. 影片名称:情事:危险的性游戏(中文字幕)
  2. 影片状态:完结
  3. 发行年份:1998
  4. 影片地区:韩国
  5. 主要演员:未知
  6. 影片导演:
  7. 更新时间:2020/9/14 23:46:22


伦理片《情事:危险的性游戏/情事2》由白仁全金时妍主演,2014年日本地区发行,感谢点播《情事:危险的性游戏/情事2》。结婚6年秋天是与丈夫不和开始饮酒度日,并成为酒精中毒者的秋天,隔壁居住的现任作家希望在秋天夫妇的争斗声,无法入睡的日子持续高涨,实在无法忍受找到家里的秋天的抗议。那么两者之间的初次见面开始,此后秋天是丈夫和打斗喝醉时就会找到希望的家里爱。不知道的秋天的态度,是希望给秋天,越来越之中。和丈夫之间的。Ga-eul is six years into her marriage but her trouble with her husband brings her to depend on alcohol. Hee-mang is a writer who lives next door but can’t stand the fighting going on at Ga-eul’s house and makes his way over there one day. Ever since then, Ga-http://www.2013k.comeul goes over to Hee-mang’s house to have sex everytime she fights with her husband. Hee-mang is confused at her behavior and gradually falls for her. Then Ga-eul slowly resolves things with her husband but Hee-mang asks to talk with the three of。危险的性游戏 韩国.危险的性游戏 迅雷下载.